Active Workplaces

Explore active workplaces and discover a wide range of tools and resources to enhance your practice, expand your knowledge and inspire you to support someone with a long-term condition to move a little more.
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Training & Learning
Tools & Guides
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Tools & Guides
The Exemplar Physical Activity Employer
The Exemplar Physical Activity Employer (EPAE) award recognises good practice by employers in promoting physical activity to their employees. The award was piloted in 2016 By NHS Health Scotland. Public Health Scotland 2020
Tools & Guides
Healthy Working Lives
Healthy working Lives is a programme provided by Public Health Scotland to support workplace health and wellbeing. The programme provides a wide range of resources, information and training on all aspects of work-related health promotion and ill health prevention, return to work and workplace safety.
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Tools & Guides
Promoting physical activity in the workplace
Guidance on how to be proactive and promote physical activity for organisations. Provides information about the benefits of active workplaces and also some ideas to help organisations get started. Healthy Working Lives, NHS Health Scotland 2019
Tools & Guides
Physical activity in the workplace
This guideline covers how to encourage employees to be physically active. The aim is to increase the working population’s physical activity levels. This guideline makes recommendations on planning implementing, components of the physical activity programme, supporting employers. This guidance is for Employers, Professionals working in public health, human resources or occupational health, Employees, Trades unions, business federations, chambers of commerce, Local strategic partnerships, Members of the public. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Published: 2008, Updated 2018
The Exemplar Physical Activity Employer
The Exemplar Physical Activity Employer (EPAE) award recognises good practice by employers in promoting physical activity to their employees. The award was piloted in 2016 By NHS Health Scotland. Public Health Scotland 2020
Tools & Guides
Cycling UK in Scotland
Cycling UK is a cycling charity, which runs a range of projects, groups and programmes across Scotland to support more people to cycle regularly for transport, leisure and adventure. It offers a range of cycling related services to support the wider cycling community including cycling insurance, training courses, planning to run an event or charity bike ride and Cycle Friendly Employer accreditation.
Tools & Guides
Paths for All
Paths for All is a Scottish charity promoting walking for everyone, everyday and everywhere. It works with local authorities and communities to develop inclusive environments for everyone to be active, including walkers, cyclists and wheelchair users. It supports projects that increase use of sustainable transport and build capacity within communities. It champions the creation of walkable environments with access to quality greenspaces, close to where people live, so being active is easy for everyone.
Cycle Friendly Employer
Nationally recognised programme provides an award scheme and funding to help organisations make it easier for their staff to cycle to work and at work.
Tools & Guides
Way to Work
Way to Work supports employers to help staff to travel in more active and greener ways. Funded by Transport Scotland, Way to Work is delivered by a partnership of 15 organisations working to accelerate the Scottish Government’s vision for sustainable transport and the commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2045. Explore Way to Work to find funding and training opportunities, inspiring case studies, accreditations and motivational challenges, expert advice, the latest news and events, and other helpful resources.
Tools & Guides
The Active Travel Hub Network Portal
The Active Travel Hub Network is a resource centre for active travel hubs in Scotland. The mission is to get more people walking, cycling, wheeling and using public transport as part of their daily lifestyle. The Network delivers a range of online webinars and training opportunities. These are shared through in-person learning events, live webinars, and in the dedicated members area of the Hub Portal. This Active Travel Hub Network portal is funded by Transport Scotland and Forth Environment Link.
Paths for All
Paths for All is a Scottish charity promoting walking for everyone, everyday and everywhere. It works with local authorities and communities to develop inclusive environments for everyone to be active, including walkers, cyclists and wheelchair users. It supports projects that increase use of sustainable transport and build capacity within communities. It champions the creation of walkable environments with access to quality greenspaces, close to where people live, so being active is easy for everyone.
Active Travel Hubs
Active Travel Hubs provide information, engagement opportunities and facilities with the aim to encourage local communities and visitors to travel more actively. They have proven to be a successful model to engage with local communities, workplaces and further education establishments. The hubs are managed and funded by a range of partners, with some attracting funding from the Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme.
Walk at Work Award
The Walk at Work Award is an accreditation scheme for Scottish employers, recognising organisations that support staff to be active in and around the working day. The programme helps workplaces with the know-how to foster a walking culture that encourages and supports physical activity at work. To help achieve the award, Paths for All provide guidance on planning projects, developing activities, improving facilities and signposting to resources. The programme helps staff plan safe and easy walking routes to work or to and from local public transport, to walking challenges and incentive scheme.
The Step Count Challenge
The Step Count Challenge is a walking challenge for Scottish workplaces. It is interactive, fun and gets staff moving more, sitting less whilst boosting morale and supporting health and wellbeing. You can use it to promote the benefits of walking and healthy living, active travel and reducing car use for short journeys. Teams can access leaderboards, goal setting and team chat to keep staff motivated and connected. Teams will receive tailored support and advice on everything from creating an action plan, motivating teams, effective communications to evaluating the impact of the challenge.
Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030
The Framework sets out a vision for Scotland to have the best road safety performance in the world by 2030 and an ambitious long term goal where no one is seriously injured or killed on our roads by 2050. Transport Scotland, Scottish Government 2021
Cycling Framework for Active Travel - A plan for everyday cycling
The Scottish Government has published a new plan to increase everyday cycling across the country. The framework supports the 2030 Active Travel Vision – where walking, wheeling and cycling is the most popular mode of transport for shorter everyday journeys. It will shape how government, councils and active travel organisations deliver improvements. Transport Scotland, Scottish Government 2023
Transport and Travel in Scotland 2020: Results from the Scottish Household Survey
This report presents transport and travel findings from the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) 2020 telephone survey. The Scottish Household Survey (SHS) is an annual survey carried out since 1999. It collects data on mode of travel to work and distance travelled and publishes it as part of reporting on the National Performance Framework Indicator on Active Travel. Transport Scotland, Scottish Government 2022
Training & Learning
The Cycle Ride Leader
The Cycle Ride Leader award is a one day training course designed to provide an introduction to leading groups on risk assessed and organised bike rides during daylight hours. It enables leaders to plan and organise rides within an organisation, community group or club.
Training & Learning
Walk at Work and Workplace Walk Leader Training
This is an interactive and practical one day course which will help you get colleagues walking more in and around the working day. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop and deliver a successful workplace walking initiative. We’ll provide you with ideas on how you can promote workplace walking from active travel to lunchtime walks, pedometer challenges to walking meetings and more.
The National Walking Strategy. Action Plan 2016 – 2026
The National Walking Strategy outlines the vision of a Scotland where everyone benefits from walking. This Action Plan is a high level plan that has been developed to assist in the delivery of Let’s Get Scotland Walking. This Delivery Plan sets out how the actions to achieve shared outcomes align with the objectives set out in the WHO Global Action Plan for Physical Activity. Scottish Government 2019
Active Scotland Delivery Plan
Plan setting out actions that The Scottish Government and partners are undertaking, working together to encourage and support people in Scotland to be more active, more often. Scottish Government 2018
Active Travel Framework
Brings together the key policy approaches to improving the uptake of walking and cycling in Scotland for travel. It has been produced collaboratively by Transport Scotland and key delivery partners, with input from Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs) and local authorities. Transport Scotland 2020
Tools & Guides
Eight Investments that work for Physical Activity
The International Society for Physical Activity and Health provides an overview of best evidence which can be used to advocate, inform and lead physical activity policy and discussion. A call to action for everyone, everywhere, including professionals, academics, civil society and decision makers, to embed physical activity in national and subnational policies. International Society for Physical Activity and Health 2020
A systems-based approach to physical activity in Scotland. A framework for action at a national and local level
An evidence-based systems-wide approach to increasing levels of physical activity in Scotland for policy makers and practitioners. Includes a wide range of actions across multiple sectors and settings which will allow the necessary changes to be made to help get more people moving actively and lead to more positive health outcomes. Public Health Scotland 2022
The Scottish Health Survey 2021 - Volume 1: main report
Health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland. Findings on activity levels and muscle strengthening activity among adults. Breakdown on adult physical activity by Scottish Index of Multiple deprivation Index (SIMD. The Scottish Government 2022
Tools & Guides
Cycling Scotland
Cycling Scotland is Scotland’s national cycling charity. Working with others, we get more people cycling, more safely and easily in a better environment. Cycling Scotland provides funding and support for organisations working to help their staff to cycle to and at work.
Tools & Guides
Sustrans Scotland
Sustrans Scotland provides advice, support and funding that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys. Sustrans deliver a wide range of programmes in Scotland. From large scale infrastructure projects to working with communities, workplaces and schools, take a look at their tools and guides to put you in the saddle.
Tools & Guides
Living Streets Scotland
Part of the UK Charity for everyday walking. Works to create a nation where walking and wheeling is that natural choice for everyday, local journeys. Key policy and advocacy work to enable every community to enjoy vibrant streets and public spaces. Delivers programmes and provides resources to empower community groups to deliver improvements to their walking environment.
Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Programme
The Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) programme is a grant scheme to support and encourage more people to reduce their car use in favour of more sustainable alternatives such as walking, cycling and public transport. The programme is funded through Transport Scotland and consists of three funding strands: - Open Fund - Local Authority Fund - Capability Fund. Some of the projects supported include free maps with walking and cycle routes, personal travel planning, public events, marketing, free bike repair and financial incentives to use public transport.
National Transport Strategy 2
The National Transport Strategy sets out an ambitious vision for Scotland’s transport system for the next 20 years. The vision is underpinned by four priorities: Reduces Inequalities, Takes Climate Action, Helps Deliver Inclusive Economic Growth and Improves our Health and Wellbeing, each with three associated outcomes. Transport Scotland, Scottish Government 2020
Training & Learning
Sustrans Scotland
Sustrans Scotland provides advice, support and funding that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys. Sustrans delivers a wide range of programmes in Scotland including many training opportunities available to help increase active and sustainable travel.
Training & Learning
Cycling Scotland
Cycling Scotland is Scotland’s national cycling charity. Working with others, we get more people cycling, more safely and easily in a better environment. Cycling Scotland provides funding and support for organisations working to help their staff to cycle to and at work.
Cycling Scotland
Cycling Scotland is Scotland’s national cycling charity. Working with others, we get more people cycling, more safely and easily in a better environment. Cycling Scotland provides funding and support for organisations working to help their staff to cycle to and at work.
Cycling UK in Scotland
Cycling UK is a cycling charity, which runs a range of projects, groups and programmes across Scotland to support more people to cycle regularly for transport, leisure and adventure. It offers a range of cycling related services to support the wider cycling community including cycling insurance, training courses, planning to run an event or charity bike ride and Cycle Friendly Employer accreditation.
Living Streets Scotland
Part of the UK Charity for everyday walking. Works to create a nation where walking and wheeling is that natural choice for everyday, local journeys. Key policy and advocacy work to enable every community to enjoy vibrant streets and public spaces. Delivers programmes and provides resources to empower community groups to deliver improvements to their walking environment.
Sustrans Scotland
Sustrans Scotland provides advice, support and funding that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys. Sustrans deliver a wide range of programmes in Scotland. From large scale infrastructure projects to working with communities, workplaces and schools, take a look at their programmes across Scotland.
National Performance Framework
The National Performance Framework sets out a vision for national wellbeing in Scotland – it is Scotland's wellbeing framework. It sets an overall purpose and vision for Scotland. It highlights the broad National Outcomes that support the purpose and measures how well Scotland is progressing towards those outcomes. Scottish Government 2018

Members & Partners

Movement for Health is a coalition of Scotland’s leading health charities, national agencies and academic institutions.  We are united in our commitment to support the least active people living with long term health conditions to be more physically active.