Our Outcomes

Movement for Health has 4 strategic outcomes.  Each outcome will be supported by a series of associated actions.  We will develop collaborative actions that enable a whole system approach to physical activity for people with long term health conditions.
Outcome 1
People with long term conditions are more aware of the benefits of being physically active and are more aware of the opportunities to do so.
Outcome 2
Ensuring physical activity, sport and leisure providers and their facilities are as inclusive as possible, safe, appropriate, welcoming and accessible for people experiencing long term conditions.
Outcome 3
Health and social care professionals have the knowledge and confidence to promote physical activity and opportunities for people with long term conditions.
Outcome 4
National and local policies support and facilitate people with long term conditions and their carers to become more physically active.

Members & Partners

Movement for Health is a coalition of Scotland’s leading health charities, national agencies and academic institutions.  We are united in our commitment to support the least active people living with long term health conditions to be more physically active.