Terms Of Reference

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There is now compelling evidence that physical activity has huge health benefits for everyone, especially for people with long term conditions. As a coalition of charities, we are eager to engage with and influence policies and initiatives that support people with long term conditions to enjoy the benefits of physical activity. This Terms of Reference outlines the development of a Scottish coalition of charities and supporting organisations, focusing on promoting physical activity for people who experience long term conditions. The first meeting of Movement for Health - the Scottish Physical Activity and Long Term Conditions Coalition was held on Monday the 11th of November 2019.

About Movement for Health

The Physical Activity and Long Term Conditions Coalition will create a forum for organisations to collaborate to influence and improve policy and practice for people with long term conditions to become more physically active. This will create a unified, influential and independent voice for action to improve awareness of its benefits and reduce barriers to participation.

The coalition is composed of leading national health charities who support, represent and advocate for people with a range of long term conditions in Scotland along with input and support from a range of national agencies and academic institutions with an interest in health and physical activity.

We will work together to positively influence national and local investment in physical activity opportunities for people with long term conditions, advocating across policy areas, planning, provision and delivery of services.

We will do this by working together to combine our knowledge and sharing good practice to help increase the opportunities for physical activity for the people we support, and our goal is for people with long term conditions who would benefit, to move more as part of their daily routine.

Key outcomes will include:

  • People with long term conditions are more aware of the benefits of being physically active, and are more aware of the opportunities to do so.
  • Ensuring physical activity, sport and leisure providers and their facilities are as inclusive as possible, safe, appropriate, welcoming and accessible for people experiencing long term conditions.
  • Health and social care professionals have the knowledge and confidence to promote physical activity and opportunities for people with long term conditions.
  • National and local policies support and facilitate people with long term conditions and their carers to become more physically active.
  • These strategic objectives will be supported by an action plan and a communications strategy which will be developed by the group.


The coalition will hold quarterly meetings, with regular email contact and the minutes of these meetings are available to all members. This coalition will be administered, resourced and facilitated by Paths for All initially.


Movement for Health is a coalition with 16 members from leading health and social care charities working across Scotland, including but not limited to:

Age Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland

Breast Cancer Now

Asthma + Lung UK

Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Diabetes Scotland

Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)

Macmillan Cancer Support

MS Society

Parkinson's UK Scotland

Paths for All

SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health)

Stroke Association

Scotland Versus Arthritis

Voluntary Health Scotland

Waverley Care

Care Inspectorate

Support from other key relevant organisations, national agencies and academic institutions including but not limited to:

Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, University of Edinburgh

Public Health Scotland

Scottish Athletics


All third sector organisations who have a condition specific remit and have an interest and investment in physical activity are welcome to join the network.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • To work to achieve the outcomes of the coalition through their organisational strategy and activities.
  • To share knowledge on current policies, forthcoming activities and funding relating to physical activity and long term conditions in Scotland the UK.
  • To respond to the coalition’s requests in a timely manner, providing feedback where appropriate.
  • To attend and participate in decision-making at meetings e.g. approve priorities and action plan.
  • To support and promote the work and messages of Movement for Health to their members and stakeholders.
  • Members will participate in any consultation response process as and when appropriate.


  • Paths for All propose to act as the secretariat for this network.
  • Paths for All will deliver the administration of Movement for Health.
  • Paths for All will work with the coalition to set aims, objectives and coordinate action plans.
  • Paths for All will co-ordinate policy, advocacy and communications activity.
  • Paths for All will act as a central information point for all stakeholder organisations and share information regarding progress and activities.


The coalition has joint responsibility for achieving the above stated outcomes and falls to all members equally. Paths for All will deliver the Secretariat function of the coalition.


These Terms of Reference will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Chair and coalition.


If you would like to learn more about Movement for Health contact the team at

