15 March 2022

In attendance:

Dr Emma Lunan - EL - Chair

Emma Anderson - EA - Paths for All

Emma Berry - EB - Paths for All

Kirsty Rankin - KR - Paths for All

Alan McGinley - AMcG - Scotland Versus Arthritis

Paul Kelly - PK - University of Edinburgh

Amanda McKay - AMc - Parkinsons UK

Georgina Charlton - GC - Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

Amy Hickman - AH - Breast Cancer Now

Claire Stevens - CS - Voluntary Health Scotland

Kirsty Cumming - KC - Community Leisure UK

Flora Jackson - FJ - Public Health Scotland

Robert Nesbit - RN - SAMH

Fiona Cross - FC - Age Scotland

Ross Laird - RL - Grayling PR

Tracey Harrison - TH - MS Society

Karen Garrott - KG - Stroke Association

Katherine Byrne - KB - Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Malcolm Dingwall-Smith - MDS - Sport Scotland

Laura Jones - LJ - RNIB

Gavin MacLeod - GMac - Scottish Disability Sport

Item 1

Welcome from the Chair

A welcome from the Dr Emma Lunan.

Around the screen introductions.

Kirsty Rankin, Walking for Health Manager, Paths for All was welcomed to their first meeting.

Minutes of December 2021 meeting agreed.

Item 2

Physical Activity Referral Standards for Scotland - Public Health Scotland Presentation from Flora Jackson

Slides of the presentation are attached main minute dissemination e-mail.

Context: previous work looking at PA pathway that could be introduced in to the healthcare system, part of games legacy work, 2015. Underpinned by evidence. Brief advice on PA by NHS staff at population level. 

Examination of the offer of formal referral showed a varied picture.

2018 Referral audit took place, showing a very mixed picture on analysis. The audit recommendations were to reduce variability, increase quality and consistency of access. Workforce development as well as data gaps and sharing of data were identified as areas needing examining.

Workshops followed, learning sessions to inform shape and develop the standards.

A tiered approach was created to position the different levels of health behaviour change/intervention input required. The Standards are for tier 2 of model.

Key Elements of Standards:

  1. Partnership working
  2. Local delivery models
  3. Learning and workforce development
  4. Data systems
  5. Monitoring and evaluation
  6. Sharing learning and good practice

MfH members discussion.

Questions from MfH membership:

How best, as a coalition, does MfH use these standards?

Action: A paper for the MfH membership to help to shape how best organisations can support the Standards and work with them. 

Accountability, leadership, governance. What are the aspirations around meeting the variability across the piece? This is for local areas to take forward, the SiG has been involved in the development of the standards, they will mostly be involved in the commissioning of the services. A collective responsibility.

How were disabled people consulted as part of the information gathering and decision making process? An open invitation to partners to come along to meetings in development of the standards

How will the referrals ensure that they are directing people to appropriate and accessible activities and facilities? Local providers are responsible for making sure that the activities are appropriate and accessible.

Lots of interesting practical experience of using the standards, these could be shared with the Coalition to bring them to life. 

Action: One of the future Coalition meetings will have a focus on this. Emma A to arrange, liaise with Community Leisure UK.

Any future plans to look at tier 3 and volunteer led activity? There have been discussions and various drafts. No current capacity to move it forward at the moment. Take them as a guide, apply it to your own situation as best you can. The framework around workforce learning development covers all of the tiers.

Item 3

Member Update

Parkinson’s UK

Bringing together local Parkinson’s health professionals with the local Parkinson’s physical activity referral. Relook at how we can encourage more people with Parkinson’s can participate.

New programmes launched in Borders, North Lanarkshire amongst others. 

Looking to pilot with the Vitality programme, test it to see how the programme fits with people living with Parkinson’s. 

Mixed bag with people wanting to return to face to face, or remain using online resources.

Chat box: From  Amanda Mckay : https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/get-involved/world-parkinsons-day#:~:text=World%20Parkinson's%20Day%202022,Light%20Up%20Blue%20for%20Parkinson's

Its world Parkinson's Day on 11th April- be great if we can share this on social media- so info on link above

Paths for All

Step it Up Strategy – launched in January. Focus on inequalities and inclusion.

Strength and Balance Programme – End of March, live streaming showcasing the exercises from the programme. Tues and Thurs. Focus on health prof and public.

There is a shop for strength and balance resources on PFA website.

Lets Walk and Roll Toolkit, in partnership with SDS. Now a complimentary training programme to sit alongside, looking at an e module.

Step Count Challenge 2nd May launch. 2.2 billion steps recorded in last year’s Spring challenge.

Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Virtual sessions continue to expand, broadening referral routes on via self-referral. Face to face sessions are returning mid-April in Maryhill. Walking for Health programme active across five health boards.

Webinar 25th March – Partnership project with University of Strathclyde. Exploring the use of tech to support people after a stroke to be active by using AI/gaming motivators.

Chat box:  Our webinar is on 25th March, 2-3.15pm, 'A revolution in stroke rehab and recovery', showcasing work at Strathclyde Uni to pilot use of technology to aid recovery after a stroke.  My email is katherine.byrne@chss.org.uk if anyone is interested in joining.

Scottish Disability Sport

Phased return to face to face and still a section of people with little confidence to return to groups or other face to face activity. An inclusive club resource coming soon, focusing on local authority provisions – toolkit in how to embed best practice.

Introduction to inclusive practice, live module, this has driven a lot of embedding inclusion work. This has seen a big uptake post Covid. Face to face training is back. 120 Edinburgh Uni students trained up last week.

GOGA programme with NHS Tayside, a good uptake, blended approach with online delivery, good uptake as well as physio referrals, paediatric referrals across the country are picking up also.

Research – OSS a revisit of previous Sport Scotland work. Barriers, challenges for people living with a disability – will share when ready.

Chat bo: Link to the Introduction to Inclusive Practice e-learning module as follows https://www.scottishdisabilitysport.com/introduction-to-inclusive-practice-e-learning-module/ 

Sport Scotland

Chat Box: From  Malcolm Dingwall-Smith (sportscotland) : Thanks. I need to leave for another meeting now. Not too much to update on from sportscotland since the last meeting. We focussed on social prescription/ physical activity referral in our response to the Scottish Parliament Health, Social Care & Sport Committee's 'Alternative pathways into primary care' inquiry. 74 written responses received (inc. several from MfH members) which can be viewed here https://yourviews.parliament.scot/health/alternativepathways/consultation/published_select_respondent 


Working on promoting local election manifesto, this includes sports and recreation, accessibility, improving the experience for blind and partially sighted customers, local authorities responsible for ensuring facilities are suitable, making it clear that guide dogs are allowed in venues.

Accessible streets, less street clutter, hazardous obstacles, particularly in busy city areas. NPF4 consultation linked with VHS consultation.

Community connection events including health walks are beginning to open up again.

Accessible spaces outside of home – Portuguese tech company My Eyes App. Allows people to navigate from a travel hub to different facilities, thinking of how this could be expanded to help people access sports and leisure facilities for example.

Chat box:  Link to our RNIB Scotland Health Walks: https://www.rnib.org.uk/scotland/rnib-scotland-social-and-leisure-groups/outdoor-events

Breast Cancer Now 

Launched Turning the Tide strategy at BCN. A National look at work across the nations. Hoping to be growing the work in the nations again.

In person support is beginning again, working with services team. More wellbeing activities, expanding this and piloting more groups doing physical activity.

Women in Sport – insight project around barriers to physical activity after diagnosis of breast cancer - Sport England Movement for All.

MS Society 

Wellbeing Hub – changing physical activities and general wellbeing, continuing with virtual, a lot of nerves around returning to face to face, a blended model are being looked at. 

Looking at the opportunities outside of the virtual work of self-management.

Newly diagnosed courses that cover brief PA information, a specific physical activity session is now being designed.

We Are Undefeatable project videos now available. Piloting using peer volunteers to use the videos on a weekly basis, peer chat group for people using the videos in their own homes.

Verses Arthritis

Lets Move Together Fund has been updated and refunded, roll out soon.

Pre surgery video work.

Lets Move stretching series 86,000 UTUBE views.

Waiting times focus, summit last December – report to be shared with this group.

Meeting with politicians, members of the health committee, Scotland needs an elective surgery recovery plan. Active waiting and waiting well issues will be looked at with this work.

Golden Jubilee, looking at mental health support and other packages for people waiting for their surgeries. 

Chronic pain framework consultation has been contributed to.

VA going through a big restructure. Some face to face services have restarted but the teams have lost big parts of resources so in a period of change for the organisation. 

New CEO, Deborah Alsina started, a meeting with MfH would be good.

Chat box:  https://www.versusarthritis.org/news/2022/march/inspiring-active-communities/

It’s designed to support specific activities and increase the availability of exercise opportunities in local communities. It can also be used to support community groups with developing their business planning, helping them reach their target audience


Launched Game the Advantage – what a mentally healthy club looks like, rugby clubs, shinty club and community sports hub. 

An impact report on the Jog Scotland Scottish Athletics, five year partnership. The partnership is going to continue.

Sport Scotland partnership in development stage, working closely with all Sporting governing bodies, route mapping, awareness around mental health, how to have mental health conversations. 

Commissioning a piece of research on women in menopause and sport, barriers in participation. Looking at menopause friendly groups, huge impact on women’s mental health. More on this to come.

Chat box:  https://www.samh.org.uk/about-us/news-and-blogs/5-years-of-partnership-samh-and-jogscotland

University of Edinburgh

Chloe Williamson, now Dr Williamson, working in messaging and communication. Paul and Tessa have been doing work around how the restrictions during the pandemic have impacted physical activity participation: 

Nanette Mutrie has retired, recruitment is in its interview stages for Professor. 

Chat box:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666776221002519

Health and Social Care Alliance 

Research on professional perspectives on engagement with nature:

Funding cycle barriers are a common theme, the benefits in local, national leadership. A greater focus on mental rather than physical wellbeing came out in the findings.

Nature is a key focus for ALISS at the moment.

Looking at generating video case studies – developing with Darcey’s Equine therapy support is the first one to be developed. 

Chat box:  https://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Growing-the-Impact-of-Nature-PDF-5.pdf

Georgina.charlton@alliance-scotland.org.uk if anyone would like to get in touch either regarding a video case study or to speak about nature based health activities

First video case study will be on Darcy's Equine Assisted Learning Centre https://darcysequineassistedlearningcentre.co.uk/

Volunteer Health Scotland

Policy focus – NPF4, various engagement work has been generated around this. Also responding to the Older Peoples health and social care strategy consultation which is not yet open. 

About to launch on behalf of inclusion health partnership, their report about the lived experience of Covid, early on in Covid, this might perhaps include movement and exercise.

Scottish Community Link Worker Network now has a web presence on VHS website and has it’s own social media presence: 

8th session with Open University called Ageing Well – 5 pillars of ageing well. One of the pillars is about exercise and movement, this is such a strong topic across Scotland due to pandemic impacts of isolation and lockdowns.

Chat box:  VHS would welcome short items for our monthly ebulletin and also longer (up to 800 word) guest blogs for our website: https://vhscotland.org.uk/latest-news-blogs/ 

We now have a dedicated page on our website for the link worker network and a Twitter account @ScotCLWNetwork  https://vhscotland.org.uk/what-we-do/the-scottish-community-link-worker-network/ so if you have resources/events/services etc you specifically would like to target at community link workers, we can help direct those. Our national CLW network development officer is Roisin Hurst, roisin.hurst@vhscotland.org.uk. My email is Claire.stevens@vhscotland.org.uk

Link to the SG's consultation on a health and social care strategy for older people, deadline 17 June: https://www.gov.scot/publications/consultation-health-social-care-strategy-older-people-easyread/pages/1/ 

Community Leisure UK

Return rates across leisure trusts are flatlining around 70-80% compared to pre Covid levels. Who is it that hasn’t returned, anecdotally its those that were more vulnerable and those that probably benefit most from being physically active. More focus on outreach to engage people.

Inclusion agenda, hosting a series of workshops for members across inclusion and equality, diversity and using this as a starting point for conversations. Still two sessions to happen. This will be built on, taking learning forward to understand barriers and challenges.

Employability guidance in partnership with Sport England and UK Active. Disabled people able to access workforce in leisure trusts.

Volunteering – looking at the role of volunteering with leisure trust and culture activities.

Age Scotland

New resource – Good Life Toolkit – Uni of Stirling Life Changes Trust research to identify what is needed to ensure a good quality of life in later years. Coproduction methodology, in partnership with volunteers. The tool is there to help individuals and communities to determine what they see is a good life. Templates for action planning.  Covers 17 wide ranging themes, evidence based, groups can explore anything from health and wellbeing, work, retirement, hobbies, preparing for end of life etc. Uni of Stirling has created a website, all resources are available on there: 

Health and Wellbeing team are leading on Health and Wellbeing conversations with older peoples groups. Compliments Age Scotland’s big survey from 2021. Primarily to inform own practice and planning. What are community groups doing to maintain health and wellbeing? Anyone in MfH who have groups 50+ and would like a taster session/body boosting bingo sessions here is the link to get in touch with Doug – email in chat box.

Health and Wellbeing e-bulletin is available post for partners across the sector, sign up with Doug. 

Chat box: Towards a Good Life Toolkit https://towardsagoodlife.org/about 

Wellbeing in Later Life e-bulletin and/or Health and Wellbeing conversation session with Healthy Active Ageing intervention please contact Doug.anthoney@agescotland.org.uk 


MfH meetings with politicians recently, debate on access to sport and leisure services, meeting Catherine Calderwood in coming days. 

Looking to engage with Jean Freeman in her new role at University of Glasgow.

Public Health Scotland

Translating the 8 investments in to Scottish context. Hosted workshops with the investment areas themes. Plan to bring this together in final session at the start of May. Recommendations for policy to come out of this.

Commissioned work on providing PA narrative on the Scottish burden of disease. Preventative nature of PA will be included also in this work.

Item 4

Policy and Communications

Emma Anderson

Policy covered in Grayling update.


Conferences – International Social Prescribing conference – paper put together for MfH circulation. Link workers across the board themed, different of link workers experience in terms of resourced, expectation, treatment as professionals. Lack of sustainable funding was also a theme.

Speaking events:

Sig on Physical Activity

Women in Sport Science LIVE

RCGP Physical Activity webinar

NHS Scotland conference (TBC)

Invitation to any member organisations that are planning conferences/workshops/webinar get in touch.

New website pages are in drafts, to come on the following weeks as well as the blog.

Communications plan is being relooked at once the funding announcements have been made.

Animation is in design stage and will be circulated when ready.

Item 5


Kirsty Rankin

Awaiting Active Scotland final decision.

Likely that there will be added resource for staff specific to MfH only in year one.

Needing to look elsewhere for project funding.

Years two and three should then yield more funding to widen the projects, building on year one foundation work.

Actify has been suggested as a resource that MfH looks at to using more widely.

Item 6

Movement for Health Structure

Emma Anderson

The structure of the coalition is going to be looked at, perhaps moving to an executive group made up of member orgs that are more directly involved in the project delivery. Keeping main collation meetings to a knowledge sharing remit.

A paper will be pulled together that will compliment any funding announcement for Movement for Health, action plan prioritise and then circulated for discussion and feedback from the membership.

Item 7


Paul Kelly

Fiona, Tracey and Paul met in 2021 to focus on MfH evaluation principles. Now awaiting to be informed  by the funding decision. A meeting will be popped in the diary for this group to meet again in the coming months and there is an open invitation join.

Item 8

AOB and Date of Next Meeting

Following meeting dates for 2022 are:

June 21st

September 13th

December 13th

Meetings may be face to face in the future, potentially at the Barracks in Stirling. 

Chat box: Alan McGinley : Can we look at the Health Foundation's Health Inequalities review at the next meeting? https://www.health.org.uk/health-inequalities-in-scotland-an-independent-review