13 December 2022

In attendance:

Dr Emma Lunan - EL - Chair

Emma Anderson - EA - Paths for All

Emma Berry - EB - Paths for All

Kirsty Rankin - KR - Paths for All

Anna Mitchell - AM - Paths for All

Alan McGinley - AMcG - Scotland Versus Arthritis

Kelly Harmen - KH - Scotland Versus Arthritis 

Paul Kelly - PK - University of Edinburgh

Chloe Williamson - CW - University of Edinburgh

Amy Hickman - AH - Breast Cancer Now

Kirsty Cumming - KC - Community Leisure UK

Fiona Cross - FC - Age Scotland

Rebekah Ballantyne - RB - Age Scotland

Scott Watson - SW - SW&Co

Shona Watson - ShW - SW&Co

Collete Mason - CM - Health and Social Care Alliance

David Fallon - DF - Scottish Athletics

Gavin MacLeod - GMac - Scottish Disability Sport

Maureen Hunter - MH - Stroke Association

Stuart Brown - SB - CHSS

Flora Jackson - FK - Public Health Scotland

Robert Nesbitt - RN - SAMH

Tracey Harrison - TH - MS Society

Sarah Curgenven - SC - Asthma and Lung Foundation

Niall Taylor - NT - Active Scotland, Scottish Government

Katie Biesty - KB - Active Scotland, Scottish Government

Jolene Lornie - JL - Stroke Association

Notes: Emma Anderson  

Item 1

Welcome from the Chair

A welcome from Dr. Emma Lunan.

Around the screen introductions.

Minutes of the September meeting agreed.

Actions from the September meeting were reviewed.

A note that the meeting will not be minuted but an action note will be circulated following each coalition meeting – this is due to a lack of administrative resources for the project.

Item 2

Movement for Health Overview – Emma Berry

To bring everyone up to speed as to the context of Movement for Health, why it exists, and the scope of such a coalition of organisations.

Item 3

Movement for Health Membership Presentations

A showcase of the breadth of work undertaken by the third sector and partners to support people living with long-term conditions to move more across Scotland.

EA to upload presentation reel to the shared drive

Item 4

Subgroup updates

The bulk of the meeting was prioritised for members to share the work of their organisations, as such, there was no time to go through these updates. Written updates are to be shared.

Subgroup Chairs to provide EA with written updates

EA to add updates to the shared drive for each subgroup

Item 5 

AOB and Date of Next Meeting

EA thanked all who supported the first Movement for Health event at the end of November. Social Prescribing and Physical Activity: Can Scotland Become a Leader?

Well attended and excellent contributions from presenters, key note and all of the panel as well as audience participation. A draft paper from the event will be uploaded to the shared drive, in the policy subgroup section, for comment as well as press release draft and recording of the session. 

EA encouraged members to get in touch with ideas for 2023 meetings, topics and speakers.

Dates of meetings for next year:

March 7th 2023 – in person Stirling

June 6th 2023

September 12th 2023 in person Stirling

December 12th 2023

EA to upload all event info to the shared drive for comment when ready

ALL – email EA with suggestions

EA to send out diary invitations for 2023


A.McGinley : Can I just put an alert out that Versus Arthritis is holding a roundtable on Waiting Well (which, of course, includes supporting people to stay active) in Glasgow on 31 January. Anyone interested, please get in touch with me at a.mcginley@versusarthritis.org 

Flora Jackson : https://www.samh.org.uk/get-involved/physical-activity-and-sport/our-projects/feel-your-personal-best I echo what Robert said and encourage you all to have a look at the 'Feel Your Personal Best' campaign and use it as an opportunity to promote your groups and services.

Scottish Disability Sport : Link to the Be Active Be Well In 2023 campaign being run with Paths for All, Scottish Athletics, SAMH and the Daily mile https://www.scottishdisabilitysport.com/be-active-be-well-2023/ 

jolene.lornie stroke association : Stroke Association has just launched  'Keeping Stroke in mind' which highlights the psychological impact of stroke with the Scottish Govt. https://www.stroke.org.uk/keeping-stroke-recoveries-mind 

Flora Jackson : Suggest a collective focus on falls prevention, muscle strength and balance. Prof Dawn Skelton as a potential speaker.